Friday, September 25, 2009

How To Talk Women Into Your Bed: Part II

Dear Speed Seduction Student,

In the last issue, I introduced some of the core concepts for getting really good at seducing hot women, even when you don't have looks, social status or money.

Just to review, I taught you:

1. Focus on her feelings first. Get your mind off the behaviors you want from her(sex, undying loyalty, threesomes, etc) and put your mind and focus on what feeling states she would have to be in, in order to want to naturally give you those behaviors.

2. Realize that the key to her feelings is her imagination. Capture and lead her imagination and you can generate the intense feelings and emotions she craves.

3. The key to capturing her imagination AND emotions is how you use your language. Remember the example from last issue of romance novels; they out do every other form of fiction combined, because they appeal to women's fantasies, imagination and emotions, even though we, as guys, would never read such stuff.

The Mystery Of Women's "Feelings" Explained

In order to understand just how to tap into the deep feelings that women crave, like "chemistry", attraction, desire, fascination, incredible connection I need to make the briefest of detours into a discipline called Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP. Please, please bear with me, because the next couple of paragraphs will allow you to enjoy a profound understanding of how women "tick" that will skyrocket your success with them more a new Porsche, perfect pecs, or high status and fame.

The Concept of States And " Emotional Recipes"

One of the core ideas of NLP is that people don't just mysteriously "get" feelings. Feelings and emotions are the end result of a process that people run on the inside of themselves, involving what they say to themselves, how they picture things in their minds, and what flows of internal physical sensations they experience inside their bodies.

Now, bear with me here, because this is both simple AND important. Think of a woman you really, REALLY want to be with.

Wouldn't you like her to experience the following emotional "states" with you?


You would agree that those would be great for starters, yes? That, given THOSE feelings, she would be far more likely to say, "JUMP ME NOW" instead of "Let's just be friends!"

By the way, if the only thing you hear from women is "Let's just be friends" it is because the only feeling states she experiences around you are casual enjoyment and comfort. Not enough to get her doing the grown up!)

Are you following along so far?

Ok. For this lovely lady to experience these intense, positive feeling states with you, she has to run some kind of internal process or "recipe" to get the end result of wanting you.

An Example To Help Understand And A Half Truth Corrected And Explained

As an example, a woman might first look at you and get a bit of a tingle in her tummy. Then she might picture you and her naked. Then she might say to herself "yummm". Then perhaps she might feel tightness in her throat, her nipples hardening, and the tingles going down to her crotch. She might picture the two of you meeting her friends and feeling a sense of pride.

The key is this: this will all flash through her body and mind in seconds, so fast in fact, that she will almost always something she is NOT consciously aware of doing.

Now, you may have heard it said that women will decide in the first ten seconds if they are going to sleep with a guy.

This is almost always NOT true. What is true is that when women DO decide to sleep with you,(whether it's ten minutes or ten months into knowing you) they will run that process of deciding through their body and mind in LESS than ten seconds.

Ok. I think I've piled enough on you for now. But I want you to really re-read this newsletter another time. Maybe print it out and take it with you for a long walk, and think about the implications and how it begins to make sense of a very important piece of your life. Remember the more we can "de-mystify" women's emotions and make them something we can bring to the surface and LINK to us, the more power, choice, and enjoyment with women we are going to have; women most guys just get to dream about.

In the next issue we'll get into the nuts and bolts of how to actually start using your language to do this.

Until then,

P e a c e a n d p i e c e ,

R o s s

P.S. If you want to find out more about the Speed Seduction® Home Study Course that has gotten thousands of guys going strongly in the seduction game, getting them the women they really want, check out my website, with free video files at:

This newsletter, and all of its contents are copyright Ross Jeffries. However this newsletter may be reprinted and re-used in any format, without prior consent, provided all content, including all links, are kept intact, proper credit for authorship is given, and the newsletter is given for free, without charge.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

How To Talk Women Into Your Bed: Part I

Wednesday 3:45 PM

Dear Speed Seduction® Student,

A common question I am asked is: How can I get women hot by how I talk to them? How can I use my words to create attraction in women, without having to rely on my looks or social standing or money?

Well, as the 18th century French Philosopher, Voltaire said: "Give me ten minutes to talk away my ugly face and I will bed the Queen of France". (By the way, Voltaire was a good pal of Ben Franklin, one of America's founding fathers and together they seduced hundreds of hot women. And they were doing this well into their 80's)

Now I'm sure you have probably known a guy who wasn't good looking, didn't have money, but somehow he just knew what to say to women to make them eager to "jack his beanstalk", "ride his baloney pony" and "do the grown up".

In short, he had lots of women, while better-looking guys had few or none. The reality is that men have been "sweet-talking" women out of their panties (or bloomers or whatever) since recorded history began.

It's just with Speed Seduction we are going to make it a lot more precise for you by introducing you to the concept of "recipes" or "states".

You see, one key shift in understanding how to get what you want with the women you want is:


Now, I know this may seem like a key paradox. After all, isn't this all about getting very hot women to do what we want-sleep with us, give us great sex, worship the ground we slink across, etc?

Yes, of course it is. But the key here is, GO FOR HER FEELINGS FIRST!

If you can create the intense, passionate feelings in women that they dream about then THE BEHAVIORS THAT FLOW FROM THOSE FEELINGS: HAVING GREAT SEX, PLEASING YOU, AND ANY KINKY STUFF YOU LIKE WILL COME NATRUALLY AND EASILY.

So the real question is: how can we awaken the feelings and emotional states that give us this kind of "leverage" with women?

The key is to capture and lead her imagination.

Just remember this rule: her imagination is the key to her emotions. Her emotions are the key to her bedroom door!

I don't care how hot she is. I don't care if she is a "10" on the looks scale and YOU are a "two". If you can capture her imagination, then you can capture her emotions.

Capture her emotions and you tap into the deep cultural and social conditioning that teaches women from the time they can first speak that following their emotions is the key to being a woman.

Now, the good news is, you can do this in a way that truly fulfills her and leaves her feeling wonderful, so BOTH of you win.

The next issue of this newsletter will begin the process of teaching you how. For now, bear this in mind:

Every year, romance novels outsell every other form of fiction combined, not just in the United States, but the ENTIRE Western world.

Tom Clancy, John LeCarre, Stephen King and any of your other favorite authors combined can't even make even a small dent in the sales of books that you and I as men would RIGHTLY consider trash!

Yet women of all ages read these things.

Why? Simply because they want their imagination and emotions stimulated and women do this through words; the words they speak, the words they hear, and in this case the words they read.

You may not have an ugly face to talk away. You may not want to "bed the Queen of France." But to be the king of the bedroom, you have to learn to structure your communication in ways most guys will never even begin to consider or understand.

You can get going right now by going to:

In our next issue, we'll talk about the all important ideas of emotional "recipes" and "states" and how this will allow you to jump from chump to seduction super-star.

Until then,

Peace and piece,

Ross Jeffries

P.S. I don't care by the way if you want lots of ladies or just one special girl for a long-term relationship.

Unless you can learn to trigger her "attraction" and "chemistry" states, you won't get a one-night stand or a "real-hate-shun-ship". You will merely hear that age-old curse, "Let's just be friend". YUCCH! I wouldn't wish that on a Washington bureaucrat or the kids in high school who used to beat me silly!

This newsletter, and all of its contents are copyright Ross Jeffries. However this newsletter may be reprinted and re-used in any format, without prior consent, provided all content, including all links, are kept intact, proper credit for authorship is given, and the newsletter is given for free, without charge.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Affirmations: How to do them for REAL.

A client called the other day. He was in an accident with a four wheeler (ATV) and broke his back. After two disc were removed and his spine rebuilt, he spends some 20 hours a day sitting or laying down. He has the SS course and was studying the affirmations. He called to say that the affirmations were not working for him because he did not believe them. In particular, “I am the best thing that could happen to a woman”.

His problem wasn’t the affirmations and we will get back to them absolutely. He did not believe them because he was broken and he thought “no woman would not want to be with a broken man”. He was projecting his beliefs on to any and every woman. When I pointed this out, you could immediately here a change in him. There are lots of women who are attracted to men who need help, assistance, nursing. Remember, mothering is a natural instinct of women. I told him to stop acting sorry for himself. He also thought that any woman who was attracted would just be giving him a mercy fuck.

Now back to affirmations. I give an example of in seminars. It goes as follows. Imagine yourself standing in front of a mirror and saying, “I am the world’s greatest tennis player”. If you have a mirror, go do it. What happens? What does that little voice in the back of your head say? “Like hell”, “Are you kidding”, “No Way”.

Now, while still standing in front of that mirror say, “You will acquire the foot speed and hand-eye coordination to become a first class tennis player”. Listen for the little voice in the back of you head. What does it say?

Three things about affirmations to get the results you want.

First, they must be worded so that you believe them.

Second, address your subconscious mind with YOU.

Third, incorporate an NLP process, i.e., give the subconscious a direction, a way, a process to execute. The subconscious will relentlessly process the instruction to achieve the result.

Your Guide to the Future


Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Belief does Not require something to be True.

A belief does not require something to be true. A belief only requires us to believe that something is true. Which means that most of what reality is to each of us is based on what we have come to believe – whether it’s true or not is really our own opinion. The belief that we have about anything is so powerful that it can even make something appear to be something completely and totally different than it really is.

Anything worth doing is worth doing.

Comparison and Contrast

Anything worth doing is worth doing (Badly or Right). If at first you don’t succeed then (Quit or try, try again).

There is no TRY. There is only DO.

If at first you don’t succeed then look at what you did and DO something different next time.

I am responsible for my own outcomes.

Comparison and Contrast

Others are responsible for my good and bad fortune. I am simply a victim of circumstances. (Bad or Good)

Work is a magnificent adventure.

Comparison and Contrast

Work is something we must tolerate until vacation. A job is something you must do to pay the bills. Or as one person put it once, JOB is Just Over Broke

In every adversity are hidden seeds of victory / opportunity.

Comparison and Contrast

Adversity is nature’s signal that you are about to lose.

Things don’t get better by accident; things get better by appropriate action.

Comparison and Contrast

You are either lucky or you are not lucky. Some are born with it and some are not born with it.

Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Are you prepared and looking for opportunity?

If I give others what they want and need, then they will give me what I want 3 and need, or “As ye sow so shall ye reap,” or “What goes around comes around.”

Comparison and Contrast

Only when somebody starts giving me what I want and need will I help them too.

The Universe Will Provide

Commitment is the key to excellence

Comparison and Contrast

Commitment limits me too much.

The MORE committed you are the more GOOD things seem.

The LESS committed you are to something the MORE difficult things seem.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Powerful Words of Wisdom

Scott Bolan Speaks:

Some of these will upset some of you. But those who know, will see. And seeing, will conquer!

• Your emotional response transfers control to your agitator.

• Beware of the vote that appeals to emotion.

• Adam did not lead, he followed. And he lost paradise.

• Life is made of Energy. The wise protect it and cultivate it.

• Energy is primarily leaked through thought and speaking.

• Only when we leave the Mechanical, can we begin to enter the Spiritual

• Awareness exists outside of the mechanical

• Turn off the chatterbox of your mind, then you can expand your peripheral vision and "see" the attacker before he even makes a move! The same goes with opportunities...

• Never Emotionally Invest in the Prideful Greedy Jealous or Self-Righteous, they will take you for granted and blame you if they fail.

• Never say what you don't want to happen, for example "I'm worried that you'll steal my idea." By saying so, you may be planting the seed of thought in their minds for them to steal your idea, whereas they may have never thought of it had you not mentioned it.
• Speak Powerfully, not timidly. Say what you mean with no doubt fear worry or hesitation.

• Think Powerfully! When you are thinking fearfully timidly or delusional, say out loud "stop! think Powerfully!"

• No negative friends.

• Character is the basis for relationship. Not religion, race or creed. The question is: what is their character? After establishing that, Intelligence is the basis for continued relationship! The question is: are they intelligent?

• When the attacker trying to kill you is so strong and big they seem impossible to hurt? Target "BENT!" Balls Eyes Nose Throat - at least one of these is fragile on any person. I have seen men kicked in the balls full-force and not appear hurt. I've seen a nose smashed and the guy kept on fighting powerfully. Yet likewise I have seen men stopped cold by them. Target all four and you'll get the right one!

• Arguing common sense is a fool's errand

• Think "Business," not "Job." This is vital!

• Eat Protein before and during Traveling, it burns slower so you get hungry less and eat less

• If you find yourself captivated by sensuality - such as a sex scene in a movie - ask yourself, "am I Pavlov's dog?" YOU should chose when you are stimulated, or would you rather leave that to Pavlov?

• The basis of freedom is choice. If you cannot control your response to a stimulus, you are little more than a dog (if this makes you mad, you are welcome to never come back to this blog - say Hi to Pavlov!)

• You are either the Director, or the "directed."

• It is lonely at the top. People react to the success of others like LSD - they trip out and hallucinate! So don't worry about everybody liking you. Just go for your dream and better friends will find you.

• Studying the Ancient Wisdom of the Saints, Sadhus, Samurai, Ninja and others is useful empowering and enlightening. Why are some people afraid of this information?

• The triceps is the power behind the punch (not the bicep, although it looks good!)

• Practice complete silence of environment and mind for 10 minutes a day and your success will multiply!

• Where are you weak? On the ground? Kicking? Wherever it is, start sparring there! Yep.

• There's always someone who can beat you. That's okay. You can still make them pay VERY dearly for the privilege, and they may be wise enough to realize it's not worth it to beat you.

• When you are attacked, do not try to avoid being hurt. It is a sure way to defeat.

• Respect the privacy of others, and honor everyone

• Reciprocate invitations - if they invited you over, invite them over next time. You'd be surprised how many forget this and wonder why they never heard from so-and-so again.

• Whatever you do, make sure you enjoy doing it. Fun is a HUGE key to success.

• The moment a Saint becomes aware of himself, sainthood is lost (read that again)

• Money is necessary. Have a good sum of it. But if that is what is most important to you, you have lived in illusion.

• You're losing your teen because you outsourced their training and development. Why did you have him or her in the first place? For your portfolio? Time spent together consistently away from electronic stimulus is the cure for this. Start now.

• If she feels empowered by getting attention for her sexiness, you are marrying a problem. A big problem.

• If he feels empowered by impressing your female friends, you are marrying a problem. A big problem.

• Randomness in your actions is good training - stand in a corner, facing a wall stand 2 inches from it, do a shoulder roll in the hallway, you're all dressed up in your shirt and tie? Go hit the bags. Practice your kicks while filling the tank. Bust out in song in public (I have scored BIG with this one!)

• Bring your awareness to how you walk. Notice it? Good. Now straighten up and bring to every movement THE POWER OF INTENTION AND PURPOSE.

• It's easy to see the thoughts of others and sense their energy when you look at them through a NON-ATTACHED MIND!

• When you are attached to your desires, you put out a "pushing-away" energy.

• When you are attached to you own desires and conclusions, you see people and circumstances as YOU are (This is what is meant by the term “perception is projection”). By being non-attached, you can see how they REALLY are (this is called "awareness")

• Lose out in the market? Blow a big deal? Lose a ton of money? Good. Welcome to life. Now go out there and kick some ass! Or would you rather sit around and whine? Or would you rather sit around and be afraid?

• Shed the emotional attachment to the past, it's like an addiction to prescription drugs - it's effecting your clear judgment and hindering your advancement. Flush the pills! Clear the slate and go out there and kick some ass.

• Look them in the eye and tell the truth

• You allowed yourself to be put in a box - democrat, republican, religious, atheist, etc. How much can one see from the inside of a box?

• At every moment, these questions define you: Is that who you are? Is that what you're really about?

• Your Intuition and your Conscience are your most valuable assets

• Be Still and Know (the opposite is also true: Be un-still and you'll be ignorant!)

• There are teachers, fighters and technicians. Rare is one who is all three, or even a combination of the two.

• The envious will try to make you feel guilty if you make money. It is they who are fixated on money.

• Genuine Modesty is priceless. False Modesty is worthless.

• Fear will always remain when you are attached to the outcome.

• "The Busy Mind" is a state of perpetual hypnosis. Read it again. You can wake up now. Welcome back!

• Secure your home. Now.

• Lay down the rules right at the start. If you neglected to do this, lay them down right now before proceeding forward.

• Stepford wives, Stepford people. They are shallow and should be avoided.

• It's easy to see the thoughts of others, it is a matter of letting it be seen.

• Run out ahead of them and beat them to the punch!

• Cause or Effect. Which side are you on?

• Design or Default. Which are you living by?

• When the actor has mastered the material, he is off-script. The best singers don't read from a sheet. The spaceship sheds it's fuel tanks when it passes through the atmosphere. Books and learnings are like this.

• Do not dress loudly.

• Do not look to the Government as your provider. It is at best the school-yard referee.

• Do not be moved by praise (temptation), or by persecution (criticism).

• Order is Heaven's First Law. Put it in your life now and keep it there.

• Doubts are Decisions.

• Emotion is like a yellow-belt. It has it's basic use. But how long can you hold up a sign before your arms weary?

• Do not let the culture define you. Define yourself.

To Your Success,
Scott Bolan

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Tao Principle of Balance in Motion

Today this question came in about the All-New Speed Summit Home Study Course:

"I am currently trying to decide whether or not to buy the Speed Summit 2008 DVD course. I watched your videos on YouTube and I really like your style, but I have just one question: You say that one should never be moved by praise or persecution. That is easy to say for someone who's been born insensitive. For me, however, it's exactly as good as the suggestion to not feel pain when kicked in the balls. I would really like to know if you are just giving spread-your-wings-and-fly type of advice, or are you also capable of teaching people how to actually do it?. OLav"


When I talk about not being moved by praise or persecution, I am NOT talking about being insensitive. Far from it!

In fact, I teach an increase in sensory acuity so one can see what is ACTUALLY occurring!

I didn't say don't notice it.

I didn't say don't care.

I said don't be MOVED by it.

For example,

Praise: "Olav, you are such a great guy. Please loan me 1000 dollars"

Persecution: "Olav, you are so greedy. Don't you care about me at all? Loan me 1000 dollars"

In each of the above, the person is using praise or persecution in order to pressure you to lend him 1000 dollars.

To be MOVED by either would be to succumb to the pressure and loan the 1000 dollars, even if your intuition is telling you that you shouldn't loan the 1000 dollars because it would cause you hardship or you may never be repaid.

This is a very different from "feeling pain when kicked in the balls"

I didn't say don't feel it.

I didn't say it doesn't hurt.

I said don't be MOVED by it, meaning, don't waver from your honor or principle and trusting your instincts for the sake of the pressure/pain of praise/persecution.

And the more SENSITIVE a person is, the more they need to know this stuff so they can control their own destiny and not be manipulated by those who are less caring and sensitive - the selfish, the greedy, the energy vampires.

Make sense?

And YES, I explain exactly "how to" near the end of the first DVD, beginning of the 2nd DVD in the Speed Summit Home Study course.

It's called the Mental Horse Stance and Tao/Jeet Kune Do principle of Balance in Motion.

You'll also discover how to:

* Move with Dynamic Intention

* Harness The Power of Focus

* Influence Others Magnetically

* Live By Design, Rather Than Default!

* The One Word Concept that is the KEY to Mastering Life

* How To Protect Your Energy

....and MORE!

(this is all on the first DVD by the way)

Listen up. This 7-DVD home study course (over 13 hours of live seminar footage) is available at an introductory price 295.00 until Sunday Night!

After that, it goes up to 495.00, no exceptions or time extensions. So if you're interested at all you really should buy now.

Yours in the Tao of Huna Light,

Scott Bolan

Monday, May 25, 2009

Never Fear Again!

These days its fairly easy to predict the weather.

Would you like to be able to predict YOUR future as easily as predicting when it's going to rain or snow?

When we know what the weather is going to be, we can easily prepare for it so we're never caught off-guard.

Why not approach life in a "prepared" mode?

Why not prepare in advance, so that you will meet the future with confidence ability and empowerment, rather than panic confusion and fear?

It's been said that "Luck" is what happens when preparedness meets opportunity. That's true. There's no such thing as luck except the luck which we create and act upon.

The Spirit Warrior makes his or her own luck.

Remember this important rule:

"Any Area of Your Life You Do Not Design, You Are Leaving To Default!"

So which will it be - a life by Design, or a life of Default?

The Speed Summit Home Study Course is the tool you need to Design your Perfect Life. It puts seven DVDS of pure power right on your doorstep (along with some amazing FREE bonuses if you act now)

Here's what's on just one of these seven DVDs

* Maximize Your Time, Effort and Results

* Create Your Own Sanctuary for Mind Mastery

* Destroy the Competition using the new "Throwback” and "Reversing" Techniques

* The Energy Capture Using Magnetic Force and Fulcrum Techniques (you can use this in the ring, at the dojo, on the street, in the boardroom - anywhere - to Win!)

* How To Attract Anyone You Like, and Repel Energy Vampires

* How To Increase and Multiply Your Sales & Business Results

* Why Salesmen Fail and How To Reverse It

* Some Secrets of Time Distortion

* Never Fear Again: How To Obliterate Fear and Get it out of your life for good!

* Changing Your Past Present & Future using Time Line Therapy

* Zanshin Hakalau: The Warriors Greatest Secret of Awareness

* How To Tell If Someone Is Lying (the complete course!)

....and More!

Not bad for one DVD, eh?

Helping You Always Win,

Scott Bolan

Sunday, May 24, 2009

How To Find Success Without Struggle

Have you ever found yourself tired, stressed out, overwhelmed, lonely and discouraged?

We all have at one time or another. And each time it happened to me, after I got over it, I vowed to never let it happen again...

... but of course, it DID happen again! And again, and again, and again...

Finally, in quiet moment of reflection after studying the ancient texts, it dawned on me exactly what I was doing that was causing my suffering. In fact,
this one thing was the "root" of all of my problems, and the key to my success!

What was it? It was this: I was using will and effort.

Using will and effort is like pushing the car uphill, rather than sitting in the car and driving it!

And by doing so I was literally standing in the way of the divine protective spirit that wanted to bless me and give me all of my desires!

It was like a light-switch went on!

Now combined with ancient wisdom of the Samurai, the Kahunas, the Mind Masters and Authentic Warriors and Innovators - literally, the Warrior Kings! – the principle of the "way of no way" finally made perfect sense!

So I grabbed my binder of the original "Knowing is Not Enough" private newsletters with Bruce Lee's handwritten studies and notes (I am one of only
a few dozen people in the world blessed to have this), and I found where Bruce was able to accomplish so much in such a short period of time - it was
the same principle - he Played By the Rules of the Enlightened Warrior King!

And so can YOU!

Listen up, friend. Life can be a struggle, or a joy. The difference is in knowing how to align the three selves, apply the learnings therein, and like water you become unstoppable!

You see, this is the Secret of Success without Struggle in ANY area of life - your relationships, your health, your financial abundance and spiritual peace.

That's the beauty and simplicity of the Warrior King Lifestyle - you don't even intend to do it. It just simply is. Water doesn't intend to go where it goes - it doesn't "try" to go where it goes - it just goes there!

And, like water... I go wherever I want and I manifest whatever I want

...and YOU can do the same thing!

Listen. If you're tired of the stops and struggles, ups and downs, and frustrations that never seem to stop, the information in the Speed Summit Home Study Course can change it once and for all.

This is not an exaggeration, but a simple statement of fact.

Join me, Dr. Yates Canipe and Master Vince Wingo on this path and YOU can have these same secrets.

No stone went unturned in the live quest for the secret of success without struggle. We caught it all live on DVD and it's available for YOU right NOW

Wisdom and Courage,

Scott Bolan

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Using Time Distortion To Overcome Resistance

Richard Bandler, the co-founder of NLP has said, and I agree, that the best way to break through resistance is either go before it or after it.

What he meant is that rather than go after the reasons why a person has decided the way he or she has, get them to go either before they ever made the decision and see it a different way, or take them to an imaginary point in time of having already made the decision you want them to, link massive pleasure to it, and have them look back on it as heaving already been made. Since it’s already happened, it’s impossible to resist or do anything but relax, because they are about to get what they want!

Phrases for time distortion:

1. Won’t it be great after you’ve….

2. Imagine a time in your future….

3. Look forward to….

4. Looking back on….

After you have read all the blog post and implemented the knowledge to change your life, won't it be fantastic to look back and say, WOW.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Hawaiian Way of Life

Rev Vince Wingo Speaks:

This is absolutely amazing! I simply must share this with you!

As most of you know, Huna and Ho'oponopono were my birthright.

Dad was speaking Huna light and wisdom to me before I was even

Mom told me I would always sit-at-the-knee of Dad and the top experts on Hawaiian Healing while they discussed Huna for hours and hours.

While my infant Uhane (conscious mind) didn't understand their words, my Aumakua (high self/super-conscious mind) was picking it all up all light-speed...

...this was a gift from the Divine!

... as I would find out just a few years later...

Since my earliest memory my job ... my mission ... my very purpose in life ... has been to share the Wisdom of the Ancient Kahuna Masters.

Since about the age of 4 dad taught me to understand Morrnah Simeona's goal: "To have the PEACE within the individual reflect through the community, society, the nation and the Universe. Regardless of race, or creed, the Doorways to the New Age are: PEACE, BALANCE, WISDOM and LOVE in all LIFE and CREATION."

He also taught me the great responsibilities of this, and over the years I've seen tremendous Huna Magic (Real-world results) occur in the lives of countless students clients and practitioners...

... soul mates found, dreams come true, problems solved, families repaired, healing of body mind and spirit, and yes... spiritual people finally breaking through to their rightful material manifestation.

It's nice to see folks NOT having to struggle. It's nice to see them having enough money to help themselves and others living a more comfortable life.

It's just a by-product of living in the Aumakua ... it's like wet with the water!

The two are inseparable.

Now imagine this - I'm living this and teaching this, and lo and behold I meet two like minds from other parallel fields - Dr. Yates Canipe and Master Scott Bolan!

Dr. Canipe is quite literally the founder of the modern men's self-help movement, a master of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Ericksonian Hypnosis and Healing. He literally lays hands on people and helps heal them! He can put "Super-Speed" to your success, seduction, name it... and all from a place of the highest integrity and greatest good.

Master Scott Bolan discovered the Mental and Energetic Secrets of the Spirit-Force behind the Martial Arts. He's like the living embodiment of a Taoist sage, combined with the practicality of a modern warrior. Scott found the very essence of "Shen" (Spirit) and miracles occur around him daily! His greatest passion is sharing this knowledge with others...

Now imagine, what it was like when all three of us got together! Yes, it was nothing short of absolute magic. I don't know any other way to say it!

AND, get this; it was all caught live on film!

Seven DVDs of pure power, energy and knowledge, for YOU.

You can watch it at your leisure, in the privacy of your home. It's like having us there with you when you need us.

I've got to tell you it's the next best things to just sitting down with the three of us right in your living room.

You can get this dynamic home study course for the ridiculously low introductory price until May 31st (just a few short days away)

After that, it goes up no ifs, ands, or buts’...

.... so go ahead and make an investment into YOUR future, so that you too can live "the Hawaiian Way of Life"...

Whatever your choice, I wish you all the best. Thanks for letting me share this with you tonight. I am thinking of you and I know if you have goals, dreams and desires - they are all possible and this will help you accomplish them very quickly.


Rev. James Vinson Wingo, DD

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Three Strikes and you are Out

Guys send me situations or material and ask for my comments. Sometimes they appear to be created and want to know hypnotically what if this happened. Others appear to be from discussion groups and they want another opinion. Evidently a guy went out one day and tried approaching women (I say tried because he failed) on three separate occasions and failed.

The second one seemed most interesting to me. The pick up line from the seduction home study course goes some like this: Excuse me, have you every been told that you are a shining example of genetic perfection. Or Excuse me, I noticed you and I think you are a shining example of genetic perfection.

NOTE: The main rule here is to notice her response and act accordingly. If she respond positively, continue. If she responds negatively, STOP.

So this guy reports that he says: Excuse me, but has somebody ever told you that you are the perfect example of …. Physiological perfection?

Two Comments: “BUT” negates everything in front of it. So he is saying that he is totally non caring if he interrupts, intrudes or not. Second, somebody is different from anybody. Do you know somebody who fixes cars versus do you know anybody who fixes cars. Is he emphasis is on fixing cars or a person who fixes cars: Which? Just a side, Physiological is harder to say and is different than Genetic. One is natural and the other achieved.

She responded: Thanks, but no they haven’t. And then she just walked away.

RED FLAGS: Her “But” is saying NO THANKS. And then she just walked away. NEGATIVE RESPONSE, STOP.

He keeps going: I think that people like you should be let known every once in a while how special they are.

He has now moved to aggressive. When do you hear the phrase “people like you.” It is usually not a compliment. He has passed judgment and has passed the point of observation. Yes, he observed that she was different in his eyes. Now he is insisting that she see it too.

She responded: Thanks And then walked away.

Hold on, this guy still hasn’t gotten the message. He is not letting her response guide his next move.

He now says as he is now following her: What was it that I said that was so threatening to you to cause you to slowly walk away from me as I talk to you.

And then she took off at warp speed.

Of Course, he just became a predator and stalker. He is lucky that she did not go get the cops.

I think this guy has good intentions and is just excited with a new tool that he doesn’t understand. He got a new tuning fork and is using it as a pitch fork. Instead of listening to and feeling the vibrations, he is using it to throw crap against the wall and see if any sticks. I also think his underlying belief based on this and the other two strikes is one of physical power instead of finesse and not realizing the difference.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Could you explain the body connection to the mind and the relation to feeling better and staying healthy?

Not Here. However, our “Feeling Better” product can be the corner stone guide to wellness and staying healthy. Staying fit and healthy by boosting the immune system is just one area of the product.

However, I will let you know this. The Brain and human body is the ultimate chemical factory and can manufacture any chemical in the world. It is up to you NOW.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Chump Change

As you can tell I keep up with most of what our government is up to. I think it comes from living just outside Washington for 9 years. I took both papers Washington Post and Washington Times. One is very liberal and one is very conservative.

The President proposed $17 Billion in Budget Cuts after approving a budget of $3500 BILLION. The cuts amount to less than 0.5 %. The Budget Director says, “$17 billion is not chump change by any measure.” Personally I am always looking for money and find it laying on the ground, in parking lots, etc. I pick it up and put it in my pocket.

However, this started me thinking. How much do you budget for self improvement. You Know, education, personal change, updating your knowledge, moving past limiting beliefs and moving ahead. Is 0.5 % of your annual income Chump Change to you. There was one year back there where my wife and I invested $30k yes, $30,000 in one year to do self improvement workshops. They worked and were a great investment. The IRS did not think so and would not let us deduct the expense, even though our incomes doubled over the next five years.

Now if you make $30,000 a year and invest $150.00 a year in yourself then you are spending your chump change wisely. That is an average of about 41 cents per day. Feel better now. I think I am worth more and I continue to attend and buy courses. I mean, how else am I supposed to keep up with you?

One comment I read agreed that the $17 Billion was chump change and the average taxpayer is the chump. Another made some comment about the chump change we can believe in. Well when I spend it on me, I can believe in it. What are you going to do with your chump change.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Economic Justice

In Erickson Covert Hypnosis you are not looking for the traditional or Hollywood eyes closed slumped over asleep response from a person. You are just looking for a phrase or couple of words to get past the conscious mind and find a home in the subconscious. On of the effective ways to do this is ambiguity. You use a couple of words that are not used together in the normal language. You do not define these words. They mean something to you. They mean something different to every individual that hears them or maybe they don’t mean anything to the person hearing them as they are new together. This is exactly the case with the term “Economic Justice” as used by the head man in Washington. He know what it means. Everyone else hears Economic separately from Justice and does not know what it means. No one defines it. Is it Socialism by another word? You choose.

More recently, Torture is the new buzz word. At first is seems that Torture was used to get worthless information. When it was shown without a doubt that the information obtained by the interrogation methods was indeed very valuable, then the rhetoric changed. It is now proclaimed that the valuable information that was obtained could have been gotten by “OTHER METHODS.” Again “other methods” is not defined or even one example given or a even a source of these mysteriously powerful “other methods” given. Evidently no one else in the government has or had any knowledge of said “other methods.”

Start listening with your other mind and other ears for other frequencies. Start paying attention to all your senses. Something may feel wrong, not look right, sound funny, smell odd or just leave a bad taste in your mouth.

On the other hand, as you read our justice ramblings, notice the good feeling you get. The sense that it makes perfect sense, doesn’t it. It rings true. Smells deliciously inviting as you just know the right track when you are on it. Ready to join us.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Erickson Covert Hypnosis

We have been teaching Erickson Covert Hypnosis and NLP for specific applications since 1990. These applications include seduction, sales, magick/psychic influence, huna and business management.

It has come to our attention that the need, demand, interest has been shown in other applications including exactly how positive affirmations work. A specific list of free daily affirmations will result here.

The underlying principles are the same. Keep reading the Blog.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Is there a secret of unlimited prosperity?

What kind of prosperity: Financial prosperity, effortless prosperity, creating true prosperity, open your mind to prosperity, power and prosperity, prosperity consciousness, true prosperity, creating true prosperity

First, let us define Prosperity - A condition of being successful or thriving.

Most people think of this as having a lot of money. This is not a necessary condition of prosperity.

I have a neighbor whose father worked in a oil refinery as a maintenance man his entire life. When he died he was a multi-millionaire. He also had a knack and discipline for investing in the stock market. Was he prosperous? You Bet, he raised his family well, all the kids went to college and are successful in their occupations. He lived a modest life style because he was happy and content within himself and it shows with his kids. Is this unlimited prosperity? For him it was. Does the foundations that the Gates’ or Rockefellers’ and others set up make their families prosperous without limit or simply wealthy. Your choice. So creating true effortless prosperity is about your knowledge of yourself. It is not about power and prosperity as power really has nothing to do with prosperity. Creating true prosperity requires you to simply open your mind to prosperity and understanding the difference between Money, Wealth and Prosperity. Does this give new meaning to Financial prosperity, I think so.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Isn’t Manipulation bad?

Manipulation is to move in a direction with deliberateness. It is neither good or bad. The result may be GOOD OR BAD because of the INTENT. If you have the best interest of the individual at heart, then the manipulation is good. The art of manipulation can be for emotional manipulation (cheerleading) which is simply mental manipulation. You can also learn to manipulate energy with the ancient and modern ninja and huna techniques. Now you can understand the difference between persuasion and manipulation. Manipulation can control limiting beliefs thus freeing the self or keeping the self stuck.


Friday, May 8, 2009

You Don’t Know What You Look Like

I am not talking about looking at pictures, or watching yourself on videos or looking in the mirror while you are reciting your affirmations. I mean that you don’t know what you look like from the perspective of someone else. You don’t know what they see, sense, feel or think when they look at you and experience you. Is that important? You bet you butt it is. If you are interviewing, then the job depends on it. If you are approaching the opposite sex and expecting a warm reception, then it is paramount.

If we have established that it is important and that “You Don’t Know What You Look Like,” then it is also probably true that you don’t know how to find out how you look either.

It is simple. Ask people. Ask the people closest to you. Ask strangers. Ask early in conversations. There are several ways to ask. Ask them to give you three words that come to mind when they met you or three words that best describe you in their view. You can say, “You have known me all my life, in one sentence describe me and I don’t mean physically. Describe me as a person.”

Now you may be surprised at the answers you get. The person giving you the answers at a particular point in time is looking at you, sensing you through their own filters. For example, if they are very religious and sense the goodness in you, then that will be in their response. You will most likely get a lot of different answers and also a pattern will emerge.

Let me know your experiences and we will continue this interchange.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Attitude Motivation

A short one tonight – The question came up as “What is the best way to motivate yourself. What is the best motivation.” Many would say the basic needs. You are motivated to work to survive. This is not entirely true. There are many people who are motivated to survive by being leaches, blood suckers, energy vampires, bad check writers, welfare seekers, etc. These people do not need anything outside of themselves to motivate them. They do not need to stand in front of a mirror and chant positive statements or affirmations. They do not need for the most part for someone to get on their case about how they are living their life. So what do they have that is so powerful that they cruise through life totally motivated to do as little as possible of what the rest of us call work or responsibility.

Here is the answer. It is in the title. They have an attitude. I was listening to a tape from 1977 today. There was this one gentleman explaining that motivation without effort comes from attitude. Now by “without effort,” I think he meant that there are no extra ordinary ritual or energy expended to be motivated, to feel motivated, to get motivated.

As he shared his view, an attitude is the outward expression of the inner beliefs. If you have an inner belief of working and everything will be OK, then the attitude of doing a mental or physical activity to accomplish a goal is just natural and effortless. It could be expressed as “I don’t like lazy people” or “A little hard work never hurt anybody” or “Let’s get on with it” or “Did you every see a squirrel not store nuts”. Of course there are thousands more sayings that express the same attitude.

So what is the attitude you have or the attitude you want that will motivate you to accomplish your goals and invest in your own self development?

Let me here some of your limiting attitudes and most importantly some of your attitudes that will motivate you effortless.


PS: For Tomorrow. Think about this. You do not know what you look like. You may see a reflection in a mirror and you probably do not see the reflection of yourself in other people.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Words That Sell

Recently a competitor had the courage to contact me and ask me why their ad copy wasn't doing very well.

It was easy to see. The message of the ad was soft.

A soft message is great if your market is soccer moms.

But if your market is those who are interested in becoming 1000x SMARTER, STRONGER, DEADLIER and MORE EFFECTIVE in the REAL WORLD, your message needs to be PENETRATING.

Otherwise, it won't jump out and grab their attention.

If your message is soft and unfocused, it will not sell.

It'd be like trying to hit someone in the balls with a pillow, and hitting them on the leg instead.

No pain. No gain. (as far as "getting the message across" goes)

Hard and focused, like a solid nard-smashing knee to the balls... THAT's where the money is!

Also, that is WHAT and HOW I teach:

Whatever your goal...

HIT the target, WIN the trophy.

Smash the Pinata, collect the candy.

Capiche? Comprende? Understand?

Strike the root!

Are you ready to learn the root-striking methods of warrior kings?

Then catch it live on DVD, right here

Unlocking the Secrets,

Scott Bolan

Monday, May 4, 2009

Can you explain to me why people (I) have so much trouble with Communication?

As you probably guessed by now, I like definitions. The number one definition for communication is “an act of transmitting”. It implies ONE WAY and has no mention of content of what was transmitted. The number three definition is “a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs or behavior”. I like this one.

By focusing on two points you will greatly enhance the ways to communicate. Point one is information exchanged. Point two is the common system. In human communication and understanding human communication it requires a certain level of common language which includes environmental background. If a very religious person wants to clearly communicate their views with someone who does not have the same upbringing, then it is the responsibility of the speaker to learn and adapt to the audience to communicate with clarity.

If two people are engaged in interpersonal communication and want to be effective and they come from different economic backgrounds, then each must be aware and use that knowledge to be most effective in communication. They must also be aware of their non verbal and verbal communication. For Example, if a person is saying “yes” while shaking their head “no”. This non verbal communication should be noticed and determined whether it is a symbol or sign which is not congruent.

So to effectively communicate or communicate well, one should always consciously have a purpose and know the model of the world of the person or audience.

Also remember, when you are talking to a person, there are two people listening and one of them is you. Pay attention to your “self talk” and change it. All these together will allow you to communicate with confidence.

Advertising is a similar situation. To know if you are effectively communicating, you must have feedback, the other part of the information exchange. The feedback is sales or questions.

Am I communicating effectively with you? I can look at orders and questions coming back from you. If what I have to offer does not resonate with you, you will unsubscribe. If you like what you read and use it, if you feel good when you read, when you see something that rings true, you just know inside you want more, can you smell the sweet smell of success, then you will buy a product from us. If the products produce results for you, you will come back for more. Does that make cents and dollars?


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Is She Going To Call You? The No-Spin-Zone!

My sincerest wish for you is that you discover your inner strength and innate personal power so that you are not needy for women and ego validation through sexual conquest.

And that standing solid on your own principle, which you need never sacrifice for a relationship, you attract...

... not seek, not woo, not supplicate, not acquire through expenditure...

... a soul-mate who is hotter-than-hell beautiful and who possesses your values and beliefs!

Too often our desire clouds our judgment, and we assign values onto the object of our desire, values which do not actually exist in the person.

A classic example of this is assigning high intelligence or moral integrity to beauty.

While beautiful women can be intelligent and moral, just as often they are not intelligent at all and rather shallow, and would be the first to tell you so...

...but why should they?

They are enjoying the ride - the dinners, the drinks, the gifts, the attention, praise and worship!

Don't forget that they too have an ego that craves to be fed, why would they rock the boat?

They will when "something better comes along" and you will be left desolate and despairing, sinking further into the hole of neediness.

To stay out of the trap, remember this Bolan Mastery Key:

Do Not Base Your Sense of Self-Worth on the Approval of Women.

Matter of fact, do not base your sense of self-worth on ANYONE's approval. Ever.

To have the approval of others should be respected and appreciated, but not actively sought after.

To seek after it is your ego's craving to be fed.

It should simply come naturally.

And if it doesn't come?...

.... do not notice!

You will find that if you are going about your business to be the very best you can be as a Master Warrior of Life, the right one will notice you and reach out.

I always noticed when I looked like I was going somewhere, it got the attention of the beautiful women. Why? Because all the other guys are feeding at the troff like cattle....

....and here comes a stallion, going somewhere!

That is far more interesting energetically!

It "magnetizes"

Always remember these two things:

1. People Are Energy

2. People Are Magnets

Now, I received a question recently: "What should I say on her answering machine so that she will call me back?"

I use Bill O'Reilly's No-Spin-Zone rule: "If I leave a message twice, and they do not call me back, I do not call them again."

That's a great rule.

It means no desperation, no clinging, no neediness.

It means you respect yourself enough to not go chasing after someone like a love-sick puppy.

So what kind of message should you leave?

Plain and simple: "Hi, it's Scott. Give me a call. My number is xxx-xxxx"

That's it.

If she doesn't call you back? Great!

You don't want someone like that anyway. She did you a huge favor by removing herself from your life.

Keep it real and you'll never live a lie.

Hell is right here on earth for those who live in delusion.

Yours in Warrior Wisdom,

Scott Bolan

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Firewall for the Brain

You have a firewall for your computer.

You have anti-virus software and spyware removal for your computer.


Because there are constant attacks, and constant new attacks being developed to hack into your computer.

What makes you think YOUR BRAIN is any different than your computer?

Just like viruses and spyware, there are "programs" that are developed to "hack" into your brain and take what they want.

After they've taken what they want, they leave your "computer" not operating very well, and getting dire results or just barely working at all!

You see, these programs literally set you up to fail, lose and self-destruct, after they've silently robbed you of your greatest force - your power for manifestation!

They get you to doubt yourself, to be cynical, negative, or confused, to freeze up when you should make a move.

If they get you to simply not make a winning move, they win and you lose!

I don't know about you, but me...

... I'd rather WIN!

Winning this game of life is what it's all about, and I'm damn well not going to let any programming stop me from winning.

How about you?

If you're like me and you are determined to keep the mind-poison out and win the game, the one-on-one Mind Power training you get in the Speed Summit Home Study Course is like having a Black Belt Firewall for your Brain!

No more worry....

No more fear...

No more stress...

No more confusion...

No more lack!

No more being ill-at-ease!

Instead, with the knowledge YOU GET in these seminar DVDs, you'll instantly discover

Unstoppable confidence...

Courage and certainty...

Skills you can rely on...

Manifestation Mastery...


How to Move like a Tiger, and be respected everywhere you go...

Lion-sized Personal Magnetism...become unstoppable!

... and, discover Abundant resources!

Listen, this is the best of 3 world-class trainers,one-on-one answering questions live...

... and all I can say is, it just doesn't get any better than that!

Grab your "firewall" here at a steal of a price

I promise you, you'll be glad you did.

Yours in Warrior Wisdom,

Scott Bolan

Get Yours Here

Friday, May 1, 2009

Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child, Attention ALL you Children

What kind of rod did your parents use on you. The metaphor is strong and what is the real message. I think every person want to find their soul mate, settle down, have children and raise their children in such a way that the kids have an opportunity to have it easier than they did, to go farther than they did, to experience more than they did. How they do that raises many questions. How much do you give your children? How do you insure that they earn it? How do you instill responsibility in them? The metaphor was not intended to be taken literally, meaning that if you don’t whip or beat your children they will grow up to be spoiled. However, there are several lessons children need to learn. There are consequences for their actions. There are responsibilities that need to be taught and expected.

If you are driving and forget to put gas in your car, then it will stop. If you run out of gas, you can cuss, you can pray, you can meditate, you can do anything you want and the only thing that will work is to put gas in the tank. Or you can simply say, I forgot to put gas in the car, now I am paying the consequences. And I will learn a lesson and go on.

So many people today are not taking responsibility for their life. They are blaming the government, the economy, wall street, the banks or the company they DID work for.

A call yesterday was from a young man talking about how he was investing in himself at this time. He said he knew his situation was getting better since he had started making that investment. In the next breath, he said he could not purchase any more right now because he had to wait for things to get better economically.

There was another young man who graduated from welding school 8 months ago. He has worked 14 days total since for three different companies and go let go by each. He has continued to make excuses about not taking a lesser job and when the stimulus kicks in he will be in the gravy. What will it take to wake him up? When do those who are supporting him wake up and stop?

If you are one of those who are procrastinating then WAKE UP. The knowledge and inner strength gained from the truly applied NLP, Hypnosis, Huna and Martial Arts is very believable and doable. The TOOLS exists. The technologies taken separately are absolutely mind changing. When they are taken together, consequences and responsibility take on a beautiful and brilliantly new meaning.

Despair becomes aspire for you.


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Quick and Simple

I just wanted to let you know - the Las Veges Speed Summit Seminar is now available on DVD!!!

This is 7 (14 Hours) action-packed DVDs with yours truly,plus my colleagues Master Scott Bolan and Rev. Vince Wingo at their VERY BEST!

There is SO much incredible life-transforming info in these DVDs, it's best if you just read about it for yourself here

You will literally see the magic happen LIVE ON CAMERA with an elite group of students. Now YOU GET to be part of that elite group with these new DVDs!

So here's the deal: we just released these DVDs for the FIRST TIME EVER, so we're offering them foran introductory price of 295.00 until May 31st.

After that, they go up to the 495.00 catalogue price, so grab your set now and save 200 bucks!

Fair enough?

Okay then

Your guide to the future of your dreams,


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Can you give me some advice on Goal Setting?

You know what they say advice is worth. My goal is to give you some tools that you will use. The first tool is to realize that you already have goals that your mind is working on 100 percent of the time. The object is to consciously change those.

One goal setting technique many recommend is writing down goals. This is good. The results usually are limited. Think of it this way. If you are baking and keep opening the oven door to check on the contents, then what happens: The baking fails. Follow these steps to increase the effectiveness of your writing.

1. Write down in objective terms where you are now. I make xxx dollars. I have had three dates this year. I have a bachelor degree.

2. Write down a time frame. 6 months, 1 year, 2 years. Put this date on the outside of an envelope.

3. Write down in objective terms where you want to be in the stated time frame. I will be making YYY dollars. I will have had 14 dates. I will have my masters degree.

By making this simple adjustment, you are giving you subconscious mind the instructions and trusting it to do its job. Of course, if you set goals you do not believe, then you have missed realistic goal setting and missed the premise of this new dynamic of goal setting.

This will work for sales goal setting, performance goal setting, business goal setting, weight loss goal setting, fitness goal setting or professional goal setting. This is just one smart goal setting strategy.

For success in your personal planning goal setting, the secret is do it consciously and realistically. When the mind sees a new strategy that is working, it will quickly adapt it to other applications (goals). Practice, for example, is a great way to achieving many goals, this success will be the motivation to continue goal setting. You don’t need a big elaborate program for goal setting. Effective goal setting is can be short term or long term. The secret is how the conscious and subconscious mind relate to the goal setting idea and the help given the subconscious.

In coaching soccer, I gather the players around before the game and ask each the same question, “What is your goal for this game?” One replies, “To score a goal” I say, “Then you focus on that” Another says, “To assist on a goal” Another says, “To have a shutout” Another says, “To stay in the game at max speed the entire game” You guessed it. I tell each of them to focus on their goal for the game. And guess what happens to the team.

State your short term goal to your subconscious; out loud if possible as both conscious and subconscious (Greater Mind) get it simultaneously. Do It And Notice What Happens.

Your Guide to The Future


Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine Flu and You - 9 Quick Tips

Swine Flu is a huge concern right now all over the world, and particularly in the United States since we border on Mexico, where this flu is rumored to have come from.

This is one of the few times the news media can actually do you some good by keeping you up-to-date on the outbreak, spread and containment of this flu.

Here are a few pointers that you might want to add to your arsenal of ideas:

1. Children are the most prevalent carriers of colds and flues. They sneeze, pick their nose, sip off of others cups and are constantly touching everything and putting their fingers in their mouth

So stay away from the McDonald’s play land for awhile, and large gatherings in general.

It wouldn’t hurt to keep them home from daycare or school also. In fact, that’s a great idea anyway - actually being with your children rather than paying others to raise them!

How did we ever become a society that outsources the raising of children? Hmmmm ... that’s a great topic for another newsletter.

I know many good folks are stuck in that right now because of economic necessity - but if you look at your life you may find some things are not actually necessary after all, and if you are truly determined, you can find a way to make it happen.

After all, what could be more important?

It first starts with desire motivated by love. With that, soon things that seemed impossible become possible!

2. Crowded transport. When an outbreak such as this occurs, it’s definitely time to avoid public transport, particularly airplanes and buses where the air is stagnant and shared by everyone.

Add cold weather to that and you watch the windows fog up with everyone’s breath - yuck! It is a good idea to avoid whenever possible, and particularly during outbreaks of flues and colds.

3. Fast food. The fast food industry has masses of people running through it, often using public transport to get there. Stay away until this passes over.

4. Shopping. When you go for groceries, etc. ; do it on the “off hours” - late at night or on a Monday morning after the rush hour - when there is less people there.

The less people, the less chance of a flu being passed to you. Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?

5. Stock up on essentials when you can. Have enough food to stay home for a few weeks if you need to.

That’s not so unreasonable, is it?

6. Have an exit plan. If you live in a city where this is a huge concern, start thinking now - do you have what it takes to hit the road quickly, and do you have a pre-determined safe place to go?

It’s not that complicated. Just call grandma in South Dakota or wherever, or pick a far away rural city where you have friends or family (or even if you don’t), pick one that’s suitable and map it out in advance - make sure you have a full tank of gas and a little cash on hand to see you there.

7. Hygiene. The golden rule is always: No Hands To The Face!

Refrain from shaking hands for awhile, if you have been out in public do not itch your eye, pick your teeth, wipe your nose or anything until you’ve used some Purell to disinfect your hands. How many dozens or even hundreds of people in the last 24 hours have wiped their nose, etc, and then put their hand on that same supermarket door or counter that you just put your hand on?

That makes sense now, right?

8. Above all, no panic!

Make a few common-sense preparations and then go about life normally. If the sh-- does hit the fan, you’ll be ready to move quickly because you planned ahead.

9. Opportunity for learning and growth! All of this makes for a great time to look at your lifestyle, your diet and your true priorities. What an opportunity for growth!

Your personal success coach,

Scott Bolan

Martial Mastery is TOTAL Life Mastery

Sunday, April 26, 2009

What Could You Do If You Were Not Afraid?

If you weren't afraid...

... you could look life in the eye and tell the truth, boldly and graciously going for what you want and getting it.

If you weren't afraid...

... you'd stop blaming others and circumstances, and start making changes within yourself and make better decisions.

If you weren't afraid...

... you would find opportunities instead of reasons.

If you weren't afraid...

... you would ask her out, and she would be delighted to say yes.

If you weren't afraid...

... you'd put down the pills, alcohol and cigarettes, and go on a walk instead.

If you weren't afraid...'d stop asserting your beliefs, and simply BE them instead.

If you weren't afraid...

... you'd stop being cynical, and open up your creativity and intuition - and find your possibilities expanding.
If you weren't afraid...

... you'd stay home and work on yourself, instead of following the impulses of others seeking amusement and diversions.

If you weren't afraid...

... you'd magnetize what you want, and repel what you don't want, effortlessly.

If you weren't afraid...

... money would come to you quite easily, you'd have more than enough and it would be no big deal.

What would life be like if you weren't afraid?

Now is the time to find out.

One of the first things I'll show you in the Martial Mastery course is a simple method to get rid of fear instantly and forever.

Is that fair?

Scott Bolan

I'm Ready To Start

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Is it realistic to believe I can create Unlimited Wealth?

Wealth is the abundance of valuable material possessions or resources. So what is the difference between rich and wealthy? You can say I am rich and you can say I am wealthy. You can say I have wealth. You can’t say I have rich. You could look at it as wealth is everything but money and rich is money. Typically you can loose money a lot easier than you can loose wealth.

Unlimited is a pretty big number. I think what you really mean is “Can I accumulate those valuable material possessions or resources in the abundance so that I do not have to be concerned with how to support the life style I CHOOSE. This is true wealth and implies great health.

Yes, it is absolutely realistic.

Several of our programs and seminars focus on using NLP, Ericksonian Hypnosis, Huna and Matrial Arts in building wealth, creating wealth, wealth creation and the wealth management that follows. One of the secrets to master that fountain of wealth is to become a wealth builder. It is not an instant process. Many of you have wealth today and are interested in more wealth without risk. Every venture has risk. The real objective is to minimize risk.

Wealth and power are not necessarily connected. Sure some wealthy people have power, political power, economic power, financial power, business power. They are usually referred to as Rich and Powerful not Wealthy and Powerful.

I personally do not believe the current government line about "Collective Entrepreneurship."
I also do not think general affirmations are the way as personalized affirmations are tailored directly to you.

Start with Money, Wealth and Prosperity


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Is She Playing Games?

Here is the situation. Tony is 53 and looks 35 to 40. He works out several nights a week at the local health club. A younger woman shows up and starts working out. She is sharp in Tony’s eyes. He notices that she is a novice and could use some assistance. No one else in the club approaches or offers assistance. So Tony does. Suddenly, she is friendly so appreciative of the work out advice that she offers to take Tony to dinner as a token of her appreciation. He gets to choose the place.

During their workouts she shares that she is not married and never has been. She also states that she has a trust issue and that there was this one man who stalked her. She also stated that she has never been in love.

This goes on for about two weeks. No dinner. However they do seem to know each others schedule for the work outs. Then one night as they are walking across the parking lot to their cars another car shows up with a guy in it. She goes over to talk to the guy as Tony leaves.

The next time they see each other at the club she informs him that he does not have to stay until she leaves. He wasn’t planning to stay and leaves as planned.

Now suddenly, men are coming up to him in the club and wanting to know what is going on. Are they an item or what? Women are approaching him wanting to know the same thing. These are people who have been members for a while as Tony has, however they have never approached him.

The young lady now does not want to workout with Tony. She will take to him. He asked about the guy in the car in the parking lot. Oh, he just a guy I met in the sporting goods store last week.

So what is going on? Is she playing a game or not? There are inconsistencies in her statements. Tony wants to know what to do. First, she is playing some kind of game. Tony is there to work out and should stay focused on that as he always has. I told him to ask more questions as the opportunity arises and expect nothing except to find out her map of the world. For Example ask, “How do you know when you can trust someone” or “How do you identify a stalker” or “I am ready for that dinner and thank you for offering. Can we go to Jason’s Deli” or “How will you know when you fall in Love.”

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

You Will Learn To Radiate Confidence

You Will learn to radiate confidence, warmth, and charm, that women findirresistibly attractive.

You can learn to radiate confidence, warmth, and charm, that men findirresistibly attractive.

You Will master the energy state to radiate confidence, warmth, and charm, that women find irresistibly attractive.

You subconscious Will learn to radiate confidence, warmth, and charm, that customers find irresistibe.

Now it's your turn

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Phone Number Leads to Failure?

There seems to be a rash of partial successes these days. I have had several guys call complaining about getting phone numbers and NO RESULTS. Well, they got a result; just not the one they wanted or expected. They have varied. One gentleman ran a few patterns; she seemed to respond from his point of view and asked for his phone number. He was ecstatic and thought he was on his way. She never called.

Another young man has had a lot of success IN HIS VIEW because he never got anywhere before and now he is getting lots of phone numbers. However, when he calls, they are ALL turning out to be flakes again in his view. They will not talk to him and are always to busy to talk.

Let’s talk about social programming first. In the south, most of the young ladies are brought up to be non-confrontational; that is to be very polite. They are told that even if they do not like the male who is approaching to be polite and get rid of him quickly by GIVIING HIM A PHONE NUMBER. They have no intention of talking with you. They believe that after one or two calls you will stop calling and they have gotten rid of you without hurting your feelings or being confrontational (saying they do not like you) or (you are not their type) or (etc).

Now listen up, no matter what course you are studying or what guru you like to think is right for you, there is something missing. It called calibration and/or test closing. You think she is responding strongly and then she flakes. IT IS VERY SIMPLE, FRIENDS. SHE DOES NOT RESPOND THE WAY YOU WANT OR EXPECT BECAUSE “IT IS NOT IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO HER (not important enough to her). You think it is and she does not. Now whose fault is that.

There are lots of ways to calibrate or test. Start by asking questions like: Are you enjoying this conversation as much as you seem to me.

In the end you must get confirmation. One traditional suggestion is to follow up the agreement to talk or meet again with this question: “How do I know that you will call” or “How do I know that you will be available to talk and we will continue” These short retorts may sound good on the surface. BUT stop and think about it. You may be coming off as uncertain and asking for reassurance. You may be coming off as whiney and needy (depending on your voice and energy).

Here is my suggestion. You ask the female. “I’m curious, How do YOU know that YOU will call”, “I’m curious, How do YOU know that YOU will answer and be ready to continue…”

This way you are asking for HER PROCESS as to what makes things important to her. If she does not respond or can’t respond, then you know you have more to do with her to make yourself MORE IMPORTANT with her.

Of course ladies, the exact same thing is true when you are dealing with what you perceive as flaky guys.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Wake Up People Explained Today

I move people a little different than most. My mom was an alcoholic. She was the nicest person in the world one minute and the opposite the next. I learned to sense people very early to survive. Today I can detect Bull Shit quickly or with a lot of people it is there rationalization of what has happened and they want me to buy into it. You do not help a drunk giving him a drink. You do not help a drug addict by giving them drugs, no matter how compelling their story might be. I ask a few questions. Make a few statements. Observe/Listen for reactions and make a preliminary determination of what is going on.

My agenda is to be curious about what makes this person tick. I want to know how they will respond in a given situation. In technical terms, I am finding out their model of the world, their meta programs. In the simplest terms, I am being aware. I am in the moment. I am focused on them.

Being aware, by the way, accelerates learning and puts more things on automatic quicker so you can have a smoother, easier, more productive life.

In college, I took very few notes. I was focused on the teacher and the concepts. Understanding was first, notes were second. Most people focus on note taking with the hope of understanding later. This usually results in inconsistent results. Can you understand why?


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wake Up People

I received a call today. The young man wanted to know how he could become aware. He wants to do one on one with someone and felt I had been the most responsive and had moved him farther than anyoneelse.

I will explain tomorrow. Here is the assignment I gave him today. Go out and start being curious about your environment whatever it might be. Pick up a leaf and examine it. NOTICE things about it that you never noticed before. Look at the buildings. Notice the different styles, construction techniques, building material. Ask questions of yourself about these things.

Then go to a place with lots of people. Walk around and look each person in the eye and NOTICE how many of them actually even know you exist. When you find one that will make eye contact, SMILE. Then NOTICE their reactions.They will probably be delighted to find someone else AWARE, ALIVE, AWAKE.
So Long For Now.


Friday, April 17, 2009

If You Were Like Me What Would You Be Doing?

If a teenage child ask you, "What are you doing." Just answer, "If you were like me what would you be doing?

Being Responsible, being productive, being caring. Are You Starting? You can be Too, It's easy."
Then after watching their head spin say, "What are you fixing for Supper"


Thursday, April 16, 2009

You in Your Affirmations

The You in your affirmations is your subconscious. Your subconscious is the power behind your conscious mind and ego. Make friends with this absolute power in your life. Are you reading and getting this, yes you your subconsctious.

Stand up now and say, "Thank you, yes thank you subconscious for taking great care of me. Now it is time for us to work more closely. Remind me to address you correnctly so that you may accomplish more and frustration by me goes away."


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Brother Kamal and Brother Orion

Yes, they do exist. Together they made three products: Trouble Shooters I, Trouble Shooters II and Magical Connections. They are still available.

Both Brother Kamal and Brother Orion mastered the Speed Seduction® System yet each had his own obstacles to over come.

Brother Kamal initially believed that his accent and color were a disadvantage. He soon realized after being shown a few Paper Back Romance Novels that his accent and color were an advantage. Kamal is very witty and has been known to quote squirrels. Just one example of how to use NLP.

Brother Orion on the other hand is very outgoing and daring. Yet he was in the beginning terrified of beautiful women. This was solved rapidly by Brother Orion as he simply started going up to every beautiful woman and introducing himself. There were variations. However they went something like, “Hi, I just wanted to tell you that you are stunning. Bye” and he would walk away. He then added an introduction, “My name is Orion,” and then would walk away.

Trouble Shooter I and II are audio tapes discussing their growth and how they moved past limiting beliefs. These are the original pick up artist.

Magical Connections is another story. These two guys went out together with a camera and microphone. They took turns with the camera and mike. Everyone was asking for live approaches and other live demonstrations. These guys would simply stop girls on the street or anywhere they could find them. Seeing is believing. This is a very unique look at girls under hypnosis in public. Still available only on video tape.

So if you are suffering from blue collar stress and want to chill and be thoroughly entertained, you may find these an aid to getting stress under control.

I will share more from the material in future post.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Are you an Eagle? Are you still in the Nest?

Art Jackson is an author who teaches a course on Manifesting Your Destiny. We carry the course. Art’s course is basically about that calling to serve and finding a way to change careers where you get that internal satisfaction that is missing in most jobs. If you are interested in changing careers during these times, then it may be for you. Now for one of his stories.

When Eagle parents have a new Eagle on the way, they go to some extreme measures to insure the proper Eagle upbringing for the soon arriving baby. They build a nest way up high and in an isolated location, like on the side of a steep cliff. They want it high for a couple of reasons. First, the new baby is protected from almost all predators. Second, when it leaves the nest, it can’t walk, it must fly.

Once a location is found, they build the nest structure using very sharp thorny limbs and branches. Then the Mom and Dad Eagles put in a layer of thicker softer material like leaves. This is then covered with softer material such as grass and straw. The last layer of material is very soft and an absolute dream for the Eagle eggs. The nest is perfectly insulated and heavenly comfortable.

The young Eagle is born. They are nourished in delightfully luxurious surroundings. They are spoiled. As they grow and their wings become strong, they get on the side of the nest and flap their wings. His wings become strong. They are capable of flying; however, he will not leave the nest. Remember, the only way to leave is to fly.

The wise Eagles know when the young Eagle is ready to fly. Getting them to leave the nest is now the task at hand. They start removing the top layers of the nest lining. With each removed layer, guess what is exposed? Have you like me been anticipating the short and long term strategies of the Eagle.

The very sharp thorns are exposed more and more each day. The baby Eagle has no where comfortable to go. Soon the entire nest including the edges are nothing but very sharp thorns. The young Eagle reaches the point where the pain of staying is more compelling than the fear of flight. They must leave.

You know the ending, don’t you? The young Eagles leap from the nest and FLY.

Can you Soar on the Wings Of Eagles? Have you had enough? Has that pain of doing nothing reached the threshold of the fear of flying? Have I hit a tender spot? Can you see thru the metaphor? Can you hear the wind move through your wings? Can you see over the horizon NOW? God, I love the smell of Napalm in the morning.


Monday, April 13, 2009

Mass Media and You

There is something more powerful than CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, CNN and all the other cable and satellite stations out there when it comes to MASS MEDIA. There is something out there more powerful than the internet when it comes to MASS MEDIA. There is something out there more powerful that word of mouth when it comes to MASS MEDIA. That something is the MASS BETWEEN YOUR EARS. Scott recommended last week that you not give any attention to any of the MASS MEDIA Television, Radio, Newspapers or the Internet. While I agree with that, I am not convinced it is possible and still live in this modern world. You are going to be presented information either directly by one of these media or indirectly by someone who is going to tell you.

That Mass Between Your Ears is yes your brain. First, the brain can process four (YES 4) Billion bits of information each second. The conscious mind is only aware of 2,000 bits per second. If the brain is focused, then it can instantly analyze all input including the input from the universe energetically. I was talking with a lady today. She said that on the day before the earth quake in Italy, she got really angry. She did not know why and was not mad at anyone. She just noticed that she was very angry and did not know why. The next day when she heard about the quake she said she immediately knew that was what made her angry. I feel a great disturbance in the FORCE, Luke. Then they would find out that a distant planet was gone, destroyed, no more. Watch Star Wars again.

That mass between your ears can sense disturbances. Those disturbances can make you feel different from normal. It may be as the lady felt, anger. It may be depression. It may be hopelessness. It will probably be different for each of you. I challenge each of you to notice intently the changes you feel during at any time of the day, even sleeping. This will empower you and I will explain how now next.

ALL people feel these disturbances. Most, the vast majority, of people when they feel these disturbances don’t notice them, ignore them or put a negative meaning on them. That is where their programming and beliefs come in to play. I got a bad feeling something bad is going to happen, etc.

You will now take control and use this new capability. You will now recognize these messages and questions to you. You will focus you energy and put a positive message into it. You will send this energy back out to the universe. If you want then send a little bit of that energy to the Statute of Liberty. It does stand for a lot of things.

Feedback welcome


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Affirmation for Now

You will learn the tonality and pauses to effectively communicate with your subconscious.


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Affirmations - Some work, Some Don't, WHY?

I am asked frequently if daily affirmations really work or why don’t daily affirmations work for me. Some ask if daily affirmations are the same as self talk. Let’s start with an example. When you finish this paragraph, get up and go do it then come back. Find a mirror. Stand in from of the mirror and look at yourself and say, “I am the world’s greatest tennis player” or “I am going to be the world’s greatest tennis player” or “I am going to become a great tennis player.”

If you were too lazy to really get the experience by doing it then just imagine that you did the exercise. Now, when you said the example affirmations, what happened? Did you hear that little voice in the back of your head? What did it say? You can comment back and let us know. It probably said something along the lines: “Yea, right, never” “Who are you kidding” “Like S..t” “Not in this life time” “Oh really” “What a joke”

The point being that while some of the affirmation examples given above seem to be more believable than others, they are all really unbelievable.

They are unbelievable because they are all IDENTITY STATEMENTS. They all say “I am.” This one small set of two words is the destruction of the affirmation or self talk. You can say “I am human.” Most brains will accept that as truth. You can say “I am a student.” If you are enrolled in an educational institution, then the brain will probably accept that even is you are a bad student or do not study. The brain may accept “I am a student” even if you are not enrolled IF you are active in a particular subject area and say that you are a student of “Nature” or “Human Nature” or “Martial Arts.” Otherwise it will reject this also.

The last affirmation above is probably believable for some on you as it emphasizes “going to become.” However, it fails because your intention has failed before. You have intended to do lots of things and they never happened; so what is one more.

So what are the keys for affirmations to work? First, no identity statements; on I am. Second, it must be believable by you. And by you, I mean, your greater mind, your subconscious, your inner self, what ever you want to call IT. Third, and totally missing from the above examples and examples I have seen everywhere, is a process instruction.

When the brain and greater mind gets a process instruction, gets direction, gets a goal and all are connected, then it will constantly work to achieve that result. Let’s take that same example and reword it.

Read this and go stand in front of that mirror again or for the first time and say it. Yes, listen for that little voice in the back of your head.

“You will obtain the foot speed and hand eye coordination to become a great tennis player”

“You will acquire the foot speed and hand eye coordination to become a first class tournament tennis player”

“You will acquire the backhand skills and serving skills to move up to the next level in local tennis club”

It is your serve. Comment with your goals and the affirmation that has or hasn’t worked. You can also include what you think might work based on this bit of information.